How Is the 16 Month Old Baby Boy That Was Raped

O f all the secrets of war, there is 1 that is so well kept that it exists mostly every bit a rumour. It is usually denied by the perpetrator and his victim. Governments, aid agencies and human rights defenders at the Un barely acknowledge its possibility. Yet every at present and then someone gathers the courage to tell of information technology. This is just what happened on an ordinary afternoon in the office of a kind and conscientious counsellor in Kampala, Republic of uganda. For four years Eunice Owiny had been employed by Makerere University's Refugee Police Project (RLP) to assistance displaced people from all over Africa work through their traumas. This detail case, though, was a puzzle. A female customer was having marital difficulties. "My husband can't have sex," she complained. "He feels very bad almost this. I'm certain at that place'due south something he'due south keeping from me."

Owiny invited the husband in. For a while they got nowhere. And then Owiny asked the wife to leave. The man then murmured cryptically: "It happened to me." Owiny frowned. He reached into his pocket and pulled out an old sanitary pad. "Mama Eunice," he said. "I am in pain. I have to use this."

Laying the pus-covered pad on the desk in front end of him, he gave up his hush-hush. During his escape from the ceremonious war in neighbouring Congo, he had been separated from his married woman and taken past rebels. His captors raped him, three times a twenty-four hours, every 24-hour interval for 3 years. And he wasn't the only i. He watched as homo afterwards homo was taken and raped. The wounds of one were and so grievous that he died in the cell in front of him.

"That was hard for me to take," Owiny tells me today. "There are certain things yous just don't believe can happen to a man, y'all become me? Simply I know now that sexual violence confronting men is a huge problem. Everybody has heard the women'southward stories. But nobody has heard the men'south."

It'south not just in East Africa that these stories remain unheard. I of the few academics to take looked into the issue in any detail is Lara Stemple, of the University of California's Wellness and Human Rights Police Projection. Her report Male Rape and Homo Rights notes incidents of male person sexual violence as a weapon of wartime or political aggression in countries such equally Republic of chile, Greece, Croatia, Iran, Kuwait, the former Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia. Twenty-one per cent of Sri Lankan males who were seen at a London torture handling center reported sexual corruption while in detention. In El Salvador, 76% of male political prisoners surveyed in the 1980s described at least i incidence of sexual torture. A study of half-dozen,000 concentration-camp inmates in Sarajevo institute that 80% of men reported having been raped.

I've come up to Kampala to hear the stories of the few brave men who take agreed to speak to me: a rare opportunity to observe out almost a controversial and securely taboo issue. In Uganda, survivors are at risk of arrest by police, as they are probable to presume that they're gay – a crime in this land and in 38 of the 53 African nations. They will probably be ostracised by friends, rejected by family and turned away by the United nations and the myriad international NGOs that are equipped, trained and ready to help women. They are wounded, isolated and in danger. In the words of Owiny: "They are despised."

Merely they are willing to talk, thanks largely to the RLP'south British director, Dr Chris Dolan. Dolan first heard of wartime sexual violence against men in the tardily 1990s while researching his PhD in northern Republic of uganda, and he sensed that the problem might exist dramatically underestimated. Keen to gain a fuller grasp of its depth and nature, he put up posters throughout Kampala in June 2009 announcing a "workshop" on the outcome in a local school. On the day, 150 men arrived. In a burst of candour, one attendee admitted: "Information technology's happened to all of us here." Information technology soon became known amidst Republic of uganda'due south 200,000-strong refugee population that the RLP were helping men who had been raped during disharmonize. Slowly, more victims began to come forward.

I run into Jean Paul on the hot, dusty roof of the RLP's HQ in Old Kampala. He wears a scarlet high-buttoned shirt and holds himself with his neck lowered, his eyes bandage towards the footing, as if in apology for his impressive tiptop. He has a prominent upper lip that shakes continually – a nervous condition that makes him announced as if he's on the verge of tears.

Jean Paul was at university in Congo, studying electronic engineering, when his father – a wealthy man of affairs – was accused by the army of aiding the enemy and shot dead. Jean Paul fled in January 2009, only to exist abducted by rebels. Along with 6 other men and half-dozen women he was marched to a forest in the Virunga National Park.

Later that twenty-four hour period, the rebels and their prisoners met upwardly with their cohorts who were camped out in the forest. Small camp fires could be seen here and there betwixt the shadowy ranks of trees. While the women were sent off to prepare food and coffee, 12 armed fighters surrounded the men. From his place on the ground, Jean Paul looked upward to see the commander leaning over them. In his 50s, he was bald, fatty and in armed services uniform. He wore a red bandana around his neck and had strings of leaves tied around his elbows.

"You are all spies," the commander said. "I volition testify you how we punish spies." He pointed to Jean Paul. "Remove your clothes and take a position similar a Muslim man."

Jean Paul thought he was joking. He shook his head and said: "I cannot do these things."

The commander chosen a rebel over. Jean Paul could see that he was just about nine years old. He was told, "Trounce this man and remove this clothes." The boy attacked him with his gun barrel. Eventually, Jean Paul begged: "Okay, okay. I volition accept off my apparel." Once naked, 2 rebels held him in a kneeling position with his caput pushed towards the earth.

At this point, Jean Paul breaks off. The shaking in his lip more pronounced than ever, he lowers his head a little further and says: "I am sorry for the things I am going to say at present." The commander put his left mitt on the back of his skull and used his right to beat him on the behind "similar a horse". Singing a witch md song, and with everybody watching, the commander then began. The moment he started, Jean Paul vomited.

11 rebels waited in a queue and raped Jean Paul in turn. When he was too exhausted to concord himself up, the next attacker would wrap his arm under Jean Paul's hips and lift him by the tummy. He bled freely: "Many, many, many bleeding," he says, "I could feel information technology similar h2o." Each of the male person prisoners was raped eleven times that night and every night that followed.

On the 9th day, they were looking for firewood when Jean Paul spotted a huge tree with roots that formed a small grotto of shadows. Seizing his moment, he crawled in and watched, trembling, every bit the rebel guards searched for him. Later on five hours of watching their feet every bit they hunted for him, he listened as they came up with a plan: they would let off a round of gunfire and tell the commander that Jean Paul had been killed. Somewhen he emerged, weak from his ordeal and his diet of only 2 bananas per day during his captivity. Dressed just in his underpants, he crawled through the undergrowth "slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, like a snake" back into town.

"The organisations working on sexual violence don't talk about information technology:" Chris Dolan, manager of the Refugee Police Project. Photograph: Will Storr for the Observer

Today, despite his infirmary treatment, Jean Paul notwithstanding bleeds when he walks. Like many victims, the wounds are such that he'southward supposed to restrict his diet to soft foods such as bananas, which are expensive, and Jean Paul can simply afford maize and millet. His brother keeps asking what's wrong with him. "I don't want to tell him," says Jean Paul. "I fright he will say: 'Now, my brother is non a man.'"

It is for this reason that both perpetrator and victim enter a conspiracy of silence and why male person survivors oftentimes observe, once their story is discovered, that they lose the support and condolement of those around them. In the patriarchal societies found in many developing countries, gender roles are strictly defined.

"In Africa no man is allowed to be vulnerable," says RLP'southward gender officeholder Salome Atim. "You have to be masculine, strong. You should never interruption down or cry. A human being must be a leader and provide for the whole family. When he fails to reach that set standard, club perceives that there is something wrong."

Often, she says, wives who discover their husbands have been raped make up one's mind to get out them. "They ask me: 'And then now how am I going to live with him? Every bit what? Is this still a hubby? Is it a wife?' They inquire, 'If he can be raped, who is protecting me?' There's one family I have been working closely with in which the husband has been raped twice. When his married woman discovered this, she went dwelling house, packed her belongings, picked upwardly their kid and left. Of course that brought down this man's eye."

Back at RLP I'm told about the other means in which their clients have been made to endure. Men aren't simply raped, they are forced to penetrate holes in banana trees that run with acidic sap, to sit down with their genitals over a fire, to drag rocks tied to their penis, to requite oral sex activity to queues of soldiers, to be penetrated with screwdrivers and sticks. Atim has now seen and so many male survivors that, frequently, she tin can spot them the moment they sit down. "They tend to lean forward and will often sit on i buttock," she tells me. "When they cough, they grab their lower regions. At times, they will stand upward and there'due south blood on the chair. And they often take some kind of smell."

Considering there has been so little research into the rape of men during war, it's not possible to say with any certainty why information technology happens or even how common it is – although a rare 2010 survey, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that 22% of men and thirty% of women in Eastern Congo reported conflict-related sexual violence. As for Atim, she says: "Our staff are overwhelmed past the cases we've got, but in terms of bodily numbers? This is the tip of the iceberg."

Subsequently on I speak with Dr Angella Ntinda, who treats referrals from the RLP. She tells me: "Eight out of 10 patients from RLP will be talking nearly some sort of sexual abuse."

"Eight out of 10 men?" I clarify.

"No. Men and women," she says.

"What about men?"

"I recollect all the men."

I am balked.

"All of them?" I say.

"Yes," she says. "All the men."

The research by Lara Stemple at the University of California doesn't only show that male person sexual violence is a component of wars all over the globe, it too suggests that international assistance organisations are declining male victims. Her written report cites a review of 4,076 NGOs that accept addressed wartime sexual violence. Only 3% of them mentioned the experience of men in their literature. "Typically," Stemple says, "as a passing reference."

congolese rape victim
"One man was told: 'We accept a programme for vulnerable women simply not men": a Congolese rape victim. Photo: Volition Storr for the Observer

On my last night I arrive at the firm of Chris Dolan. We're high on a colina, watching the sun go down over the neighbourhoods of Salama Road and Luwafu, with Lake Victoria in the far distance. As the air turns from blue to mauve to black, a muddled galaxy of white, green and orange bulbs flickers on; a pointillist accident spilled over distant valleys and hills. A magnificent hubbub rises from it all. Babies screaming, children playing, cicadas, chickens, songbirds, cows, televisions and, floating above it all, the phone call to prayer at a distant mosque.

Stemple's findings on the failure of aid agencies is no surprise to Dolan. "The organisations working on sexual and gender-based violence don't talk about it," he says. "It's systematically silenced. If you're very, very lucky they'll requite information technology a tangential mention at the end of a report. Yous might get five seconds of: 'Oh and men can besides be the victims of sexual violence.' But there's no data, no word."

Equally office of an attempt to correct this, the RLP produced a documentary in 2010 chosen Gender Against Men. When information technology was screened, Dolan says that attempts were fabricated to stop him. "Were these attempts by people in well-known, international aid agencies?" I inquire.

"Yes," he replies. "There'south a fearfulness among them that this is a zero-sum game; that there's a pre-defined cake and if you start talking about men, yous're going to somehow eat a chunk of this cake that's taken them a long fourth dimension to bake." Dolan points to a November 2006 UN written report that followed an international conference on sexual violence in this area of East Africa.

"I know for a fact that the people behind the report insisted the definition of rape be restricted to women," he says, adding that i of the RLP's donors, Dutch Oxfam, refused to provide whatever more funding unless he'd hope that seventy% of his client base was female person. He also recalls a man whose instance was "particularly bad" and was referred to the Un'south refugee bureau, the UNHCR. "They told him: 'We have a plan for vulnerable women, simply not men.'"

It reminds me of a scene described by Eunice Owiny: "There is a married couple," she said. "The man has been raped, the adult female has been raped. Disclosure is piece of cake for the woman. She gets the medical treatment, she gets the attention, she's supported by so many organisations. Just the man is inside, dying."

"In a nutshell, that'due south exactly what happens," Dolan agrees. "Office of the activism around women's rights is: 'Let'due south prove that women are as good as men.' But the other side is you lot should expect at the fact that men tin be weak and vulnerable."

Margot Wallström, the United nations special representative of the secretarial assistant-general for sexual violence in conflict, insists in a argument that the UNHCR extends its services to refugees of both genders. Merely she concedes that the "nifty stigma" men face up suggests that the existent number of survivors is higher than that reported. Wallström says the focus remains on women considering they are "overwhelmingly" the victims. Nevertheless, she adds, "we practice know of many cases of men and boys being raped."

But when I contact Stemple by email, she describes a "abiding drum beat that women are the rape victims" and a milieu in which men are treated as a "monolithic perpetrator class".

"International human rights law leaves out men in nearly all instruments designed to accost sexual violence," she continues. "The UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in 2000 treats wartime sexual violence as something that simply impacts on women and girls… Secretary of Land Hillary Clinton recently announced $44m to implement this resolution. Because of its entirely sectional focus on female victims, it seems unlikely that whatever of these new funds will achieve the thousands of men and boys who suffer from this kind of abuse. Ignoring male person rape non only neglects men, it likewise harms women by reinforcing a viewpoint that equates 'female person' with 'victim', thus hampering our ability to meet women every bit stiff and empowered. In the same way, silence about male person victims reinforces unhealthy expectations most men and their supposed invulnerability."

Considering Dolan's finding that "female rape is significantly underreported and male person rape virtually never", I enquire Stemple if, following her enquiry, she believes it might be a hitherto unimagined part of all wars. "No 1 knows, but I do remember information technology's safe to say that it'due south likely that it's been a part of many wars throughout history and that taboo has played a part in the silence."

Equally I leave Uganda, in that location's a item of a story that I tin't forget. Before receiving help from the RLP, one man went to see his local md. He told him he had been raped four times, that he was injured and depressed and his wife had threatened to exit him. The medico gave him a Panadol.

Survivors' names have been inverse and identities hidden for their protection. The Refugee Constabulary Project is a partner organisation of Christian Aid ( )


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